Fantastiskt litet hus!

Japp, så här skulle jag mycket väl kunna tänka mig att bo :) Speciellt sommartid. På hösten och vintern kan jag tänka mig att det känns rätt så rejält när stormarna viner runt huset, men ändå ganska mysigt att tända i kaminen och sitta med en kopp te och titta ut över ett stormande hav.
I huset, som ligger i Cornwall och är ca 30 kvm stort, bor en ensamstående kvinna. Men här skulle man lätt kunna bo antingen en eller två vuxna tänker jag. Och halva året kan man även tillbringa mycket tid utomhus, antingen på någon av alla fina sittplatser utomhus....eller på stranden.....eller ute i den vackra naturen. Tror inte jag skulle tröttna på detta i första taget :)

This beautiful cottage is perched on the cliffs of Whitsband Bay, Cornwall, United Kingdom.

This beautiful cottage is perched on the cliffs of Whitsband Bay, Cornwall, United Kingdom.

It’s only 320 square feet, but it makes the most of its space, creating an atmosphere as pleasant as its views.

It’s only 320 square feet, but it makes the most of its space, creating an atmosphere as pleasant as its views.

The house is perfect for Whitsband Bay, which is known for its high cliffs, dramatic scenery, and long stretches of sandy beaches.

The house is perfect for Whitsband Bay, which is known for its high cliffs, dramatic scenery, and long stretches of sandy beaches.

This is because the house has plenty of outdoor space, which can be basked upon during the day…

This is because the house has plenty of outdoor space, which can be basked upon during the day…

...or enjoyed at sunset.

...or enjoyed at sunset.

It also offers a one-of-a-kind backdrop for an outdoor dinner party. 

It also offers a one-of-a-kind backdrop for an outdoor dinner party.

The inside of the cottage has many amenities as well.

The inside of the cottage has many amenities as well.

It uses the most of its space with large-windowed walls that can be opened, extending the size of the interior living areas.

It uses the most of its space with large-windowed walls that can be opened, extending the size of the interior living areas.

You need a big space for these BIG views.

You need a big space for these BIG views.

All of the natural light can really help you see while you cook in this modern kitchen.

All of the natural light can really help you see while you cook in this modern kitchen.

Or, you can plop on a bed in the spacious bedroom and use the light to read a book…

Or, you can plop on a bed in the spacious bedroom and use the light to read a book…

The bathroom is pretty sweet as well...

The bathroom is pretty sweet as well...

…but not as sweet as this precious little cottage as a whole.

…but not as sweet as this precious little cottage as a whole.

Ah, home sweet home!

Ah, home sweet home!

Postat av: Anna/notonmusic

Heeelt otroligt! Vilken utsikt från soffan, från sängen... Och tröttnar man på utsikten kan man kanske ta sitt lilla hus och flytta nån annanstans. Ser nästan ut som om det är "mobilt"! Eller ryms i fickan. :-)

Svar: Ja visst ser det helt fantastiskt ut! Och jag tror att det skulle dröja länge för mig att tröttna på den utsikten :) Men vill man kan man dra iväg den till en annan utsikt. Huset ligger i Cornwall i England. Jag har aldrig varit där, men det ser alltid så mysigt ut i alla filmer och på TV, så här skulle jag nog kunna trivas
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2015-01-19 @ 23:11:43

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